Saturday, March 2, 2019

Bead Peeps Swap n' Hop 2019!

Here are the bead reveals from me and my partner Lori Jean Poppe for this year's swap. I am so excited for the reveal in April. I was given so many great things and have already finished some of my pieces.

My swap for Lori. I can't wait to see what she makes!

Overview of what I received. So many things!
Lori made those beads in the bottom right! 
They are so pretty.

I'm fairly sure I got one bead in each color of the rainbow.

Lori made that heart pendant. 
She also gave me two oil blends to use on those 
two lava beads. They smell amazing.

On a related note, I purchased this dragon 
pendant from Allegory Gallery recently. 
I'm trying to puzzle out a good design for it. 
Any thoughts?