Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year
2012: A year of controversy.  Will the world end?  Will humans be wiped out from existence?  Or is it simply a time of great change?

I hope it's the last one.  But I won't fret terribly.  If we are going to die from some great catastrophe, well, we've had a pretty good run.  I'm going to go about my business and try to better myself as I would any other new year.  So!  Resolution time!  I have fourteen of them this year.  Is that too many, do you think?

1)Finish school
2)Get a job
3)Lose enough weight to fit into my green striped shirt comfortably
4)Start an exercise routine
5)Get my driver's license
6)Start saving for car/business/college
7)Figure out what I truly want to do for a career
8)Purchase bridesmaid dress for sister's wedding
9)Learn how/make banner for this blog
10)Learn new jewelry techniques
11)Use up plastic beads 
12)Learn 12 new recipes before 2013 *BONUS* Extra points if they're healthy
13)Stop drinking pop
14)Blog a day something positive

So?  Thoughts or opinions are welcome and appreciated.  What are your resolutions, if any?

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