Monday, June 20, 2016

The End of an Era (sort of)
So yesterday was my birthday.  On an autumn day almost three years ago, I began a list called 101 Goals in 1001 Days.  today ends that 1001 days.  Let's see how I did. Warning: Lots of text ahead.

Get a job
Start college
Get driver's license
Get passport
Ask for help 10 times
Go on a road trip (Massachusetts?)
Make an etsy account

Sell jewelry at an art show or in a store
Get published in a jewelry magazine
Post a piece of jewelry on the jewelry making journal
Create a new piece of jewelry every month
Get/make a gecko piece of jewelry
Take a jewelry making class
Order something from an online bead store
Participate in bead soup
Make a jewelry tutorial
Give plastic beads away
Use my ball pein hammer to make piece of jewelry
Figure out and use the findings my oldest sister gave me

Roast a duck
Can something (pickles, applesauce, jam)
Eat 5 new fruits or vegetables
Make Croquembouche
Participate in Meatless Monday for 12 weeks
Make a recipe from a Wiccan cookbook
Make English toffee
Make southwestern eggrolls
Make angel food cake/chiffon cake from scratch
Learn how to grill
Plant a vegetable garden

Complete exercises in Brighid's Healing book
Make a Brighid altar
Make and dress candles for sabbats/esbats
Complete rituals on all 8 sabbats
Recognize all 13 esbats
Learn how to read tea leaves
Start herbal grimoire
Make a Brighid's Cross with plant material
Go to a metaphysical class
Complete 30 days of Kitchen Witchery
Make a dream pillow/charm bag
Make Kitchen Witch burned spoon-wands
Become a certified crystal healer

Dye something naturally
Complete one of the three Wreck this Journal books
Make a rag rug out of old linens
Sew up pillow
Make a tincture
Make massage oil
Make four seasonal wreaths
Make a nice binder for recipes
Use calligraphy set
Make Frankenstein candle
Make mosaic
Learn to knit/crochet a hat
Refinish dry sink
Finish a latch hook
Make a baby blanket for my oldest sister (in green with a high quality yarn)

Save $100
Save $500
Buy a digital camera
Buy new linens
Buy a flash drive
Sell FFX, FFX-2, and Xenosaga
Buy an e-course from someone whose blog I enjoy
Pare down and sell manga
Check credit history

Write 25 chapters for story or have it complete
Have 200 blog posts
Journal every day for a month straight
Write in a public place
Write blog post about being a late bloomer
Start Team Krimmy blog

Ride bike for five miles straight
Lose 50 pounds
Drink tea every morning for 3 weeks
Take Roxy for a walk for 6 months
Complete beginners yoga dvd
Do sun salutations every morning for 3 weeks
Hike up a trail without dying
Develop a skincare regimen
Get teeth fixed
Visit a spa

Spend an afternoon with my oldest sister doing something fun (crafting, go carts, putt-putt)
Buy Momo something expensive
Introduce myself to the neighbors (after we've moved)
Share something I've baked with the neighbors
See Cheza
See Janelle
See B
Visit Dad and Jackie
Visit Grandma Elsie's grave
Surprise Twinny with something nice

Learn how to put my hair into a bun
Organize craft desk drawer
Finish FFXII
Get computer fixed or get a new one
Take dance lessons
Start learning Spanish
Have Hobbit/LOTR marathon 

Final Count 51/101
I am not going to beat myself up over it.  Halfway done is decent as far as I am concerned.  Plus, certain ones I almost finished or couldn't finish.  I will be completing the summer wreath today and that's the last one.  So *shrugs*  I'm happy with it.  This Lughnasadh I will be making another goal list and posting it, so stay tuned!