April Full Moon Ritual
As a part of my 101 Goals in 1001 Days, as well as something I've wanted to do for a while now, I wanted to include a lunar ritual of some sort. I showed in a previous post a few of the votive candles I made for the full moon rituals. I really had no idea what I would do for them, just that I felt they were necessary.
At first I thought I'd just do tea and tarot with my sister. While we did do both of those things, I wanted to do more. Which is funny because my family and I went to Earth Lore, our somewhat local metaphysical store. There I bought the votive holder you see pictured, as the only one I had was a more firey dragon votive holder. Not really lunar inspired. While we were there I also perused the books and saw four Ellen Dugan books that I didn't have. One was for teens so I wasn't feeling it. Another was for love magic. Not my scene either. The other two were an herbal book (she is a garden witch) and a daily magic book. I chose the latter since I didn't have anything like that.
Wouldn't you know that along with ways to include magic in your life daily, the last chapter is on the Full Moon and days of the week? Serendipity much?
So it was a Tuesday this full moon. Tuesday is Mars and all about courage and drive. So I included some Mars energy to aid in my April Full Moon ritual. It was to aid the seeds and bulbs we have in their growth. I included origami flowers for sympathetic magic and burned a cut out snowflake to help banish the winter weather. Goodness knows we need all the help we can get.
So what do you all do for the Full Moon?
The book I bought, by the way, is Book of Witchery by Ellen Dugan