Career Choices
The prompt I chose this week was 'Something you wanted to be when you grew up.' Now, I'm not quite there yet to be honest. I'm finally secure in what I want to do, barring any unforeseen circumstances *knock on wood*
When I was little I wanted to be a ballerina. Let it be known that I never actually finished ballet lessons. I think it may have been the pink outfits... and the shoes. Perhaps the creativity.
When I got a little older, though till in the single digits, I wanted to be an astronomer. I LOVED space. I still do, but all that math that's involved... not to mention that NASA has gone to crap. I suppose that it's a good thing that I've limited myself to stargazing and lunar calendars.
Eventually I evolved more... realistic career goals? Is that terribly pessimistic of me? Seriously. I wanted to be a dentist. Or dental hygienist. Yeah. Blech. Both very important jobs, yes. I actually liked going to the dentist. Until I got my first cavity. That was the beginning of the end for my medical ambitions.
Then I wanted to be a chef. I love cooking and baking. I cook dinner for my family (nearly) every night. I bake for fun. It's enjoyable for me. But after having this dream for awhile, I began thinking. How stressful is working in a kitchen for 8+ hours? I get irritable sharing the kitchen with my sister, let alone several other people. I wouldn't want to own my own restaurant, but I think the heat of the kitchen would have adverse effects on my passion for cooking.
So I've settled on massage therapy. It's soothing for both myself and those I work on. It's cooling and relieving as opposed to hot and stifling like cooking can be. Not to mention there is immense room for growth in other areas I love, such as aromatherapy and herbalism.