Day 14 - 15 Days of Thankfulness - 3 Things That Make Me Laugh
Laughter is the best medicine... sometimes. But today I will list three things that make me laugh in which I am thankful for.
Probably the person who does this the most. We share a ridiculous sense of humor. We'll laugh about things only we know about or things that are childish. Or puns. Twinny loves puns. To a disturbing degree. It scares me sometimes.
2.My Momo
My nickname for my mom. She has a weird sense of humor. It's either funny or it leaves you scratching your head. Sometimes the things she says after she's tried to make a joke are even funnier than the joke itself. She's such a silly person.
3. Smart Comedy
I don't mean the typical rom-com of today. I like comedy that isn't judgmental, that anyone can get a good laugh from. Be it about history or differences or making fun of one's self. If it leaves you pondering philosophical questions, even better.
Yay!!! I make you laugh!!! The most!!! *is proud*